When teachers have access to continuous learning opportunities and professional development resources, they’re better equipped to meet daily challenges and become even better teachers, which, in turn, boosts student outcomes.
What are we doing about it?
The College of Education is:
- Supporting teachers in their professional goals by raising the visibility of and providing greater access to quality professional development activities offered in the greater Tucson area
- Building professional development capacity, which increases teacher retention and develops teacher leaders
- Supporting early childhood through grade 12 teachers (classroom teachers, counselors, specialists, etc.) in finding the best matches for their learning needs
- Supporting connections and community-building for teachers across the region
- Creating new professional learning and leadership opportunities when needs are not being met
- Training on asset-based, inclusive practices in schools
- Creating a Native American teacher-training experience grounded on cultural relevance and asset-based student values
- Developing programs to help high school students understand and gain interest in the teaching professions
- Preparing elementary teachers to teach science by making connections between what they learn in university courses and what they experience in elementary schools
- Training the teachers of today and tomorrow through research on connecting students to learning opportunities in a changing digital world
- Offering monthly professional development opportunities for teachers in the border region
Who is doing it?
Associate Director, Worlds of Words, Rebecca Ballenger
Associate Professor, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, Nolan Cabrera
Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Julio Cammarota
Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Jill Castek
Professor, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, Mary Carol Combs
Assistant Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Leah Durán
Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Kristin Gunckel
Professor of Practice, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Donna Jurich
Assistant Professor of Practice, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Suzanne Kaplan
Project Director, Office of the Dean, Jen Kinser-Traut
Department Head, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies, Carl Liaupsin
Assistant Professor of Practice, Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies, Nadia Alvarez Mexia
Associate Professor of Practice, Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, Sue Kroeger
Project Coordinator, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Eric Meyer
Assistant Professor, Educational Policy Studies and Practice, Moira Ozias
Associate Professor, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies, Michelle Perfect
Associate Professor of Practice, Educational Psychology, Elizabeth Pope
Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Kathy Short
Professor of Practice, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Patty Stowers
Assistant Professor, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies, Adai Tefera
Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Erin Turner
Associate Professor, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies, Desiree Vega
Department Head, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Marcy Wood
Professor, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies, Jina Yoon