Richard Ruiz Lecture Series Explores Educational Possibilities for Bilingual Students with Disabilities

Richard Ruiz Lecture Series Explores Educational Possibilities for Bilingual Students with Disabilities

March 6, 2025
taucia gonzalez headshot

The Richard Ruiz Scholar in Residence & Lecture Series presents Crip-Bilingual Future-Making: Testimoniando Educational Possibilities, featuring Dr. Taucia González from the University of Arizona's Department of Disability & Psychoeducational Studies. The lecture, scheduled for Saturday, April 5th, will examine the historical barriers faced by bilingual Latina/o/x high school students with disabilities and explore how testimonio can be used as a tool for reimagining inclusive education. The event will be held at the Worlds of Words Center (Room 453) and via Zoom, with an in-person reception following the lecture. 

RSVP required for Reception