Because there are many dimensions to pedagogical work, multiple measures involving multiple sources of data must be used to evaluate the range of instructional activities. A true sense of teaching — what works and what does not — takes a thorough and careful approach.
What are we doing about it?
The College of Education is conducting research on:
- Practices, strategies, and programs to assess why and for whom programs work
- Applying methodologies in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods evaluation to conduct deeper assessments of education practices
- Developing innovative and multimodal assessments to understand how youth and educators use technology
- Applying evaluation practices that lead to programmatic culture change, more inclusive practices, and effective learning environments
- Using measurement tools and brief assessments to collect data in-real time
- Identifying appropriate targets for data collection in research-practice partnerships
Who is doing it?
Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Carol Brochin
Assistant Research Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Sanyln Buxner
Associate Professor, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, Nolan Cabrera
Assistant Research Professor, Educational Psychology, Katherine Cheng
Professor, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, Regina Deil-Amen
Faculty Affiliate, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, Marla Franco
Assistant Professor, Educational Policy Studies and Practice, Heather Haeger
Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Nicole Kersting
Professor, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, Judy Kiyama
Research Scientist, Broader Impact, Corey Knox
Professor, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, Jenny Lee
Assistant Professor, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, JD Lopez
Associate Professor, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies, Michelle Perfect
Associate Professor of Practice, Educational Psychology, Elizabeth Pope
Associate Dean, Iliana Reyes
Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Eliane Rubenstein-Avila
Professor of Practice, Educational Policy Studies & Practice, Paul Schutz
Assistant Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Valerie Shirley
Assistant Professor of Practice, Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, Garrison Tsinajinie
Associate Professor, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies, Desiree Vega
Department Head, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies, Marcy Wood