Become an Arizona Teaching Fellow

Being named an Arizona Teaching Fellow is a special recognition that connects students in our professional prep program to their school districts in a meaningful way. Fellows have the opportunity to student-teach, to get to know, and be known by the same district where they intend to teach after completing their program. These fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students subsidize costs related to their school experience, like tuition or cost-of-living expenses.

What makes the fellowship experience different? For one, districts interview and select candidates to name as fellows. Those fellows fulfill their student teaching and field experience requirements in that district as part of the ‘fellows family.’ Also, it affords students a step up as a job seeker.

Meschter and fellows group photo

Emily Meschter, funder of our Arizona Teaching Fellows program, surrounded by the Teaching Fellows at the 2019 annual scholarship breakfast.


Lilette Elaine Maureen Smith Reaves, Sahuarita School District

“As a Sahuarita Teaching Fellow, I had a wonderful and well-rounded experience with my practicum and student teaching. When I became a fellow, I became a member of a very close community of professionals who truly care about each other’s growth and well-being. I highly recommend the experience.”

Chelsea Shroeder, Flowing Wells School District

"One of the most memorable experiences in the Flowing Wells Fellows Program was building relationships with the other fellows and sharing our experiences in the classroom. Throughout the program, there were many wonderful moments as well as challenges. Being able to share these experiences with the other Flowing Wells Fellows helped me to improve my instructional practice and create a network of support in the district."

Tory Lujan, Marana Unified School District

“The Marana Teaching Fellows Program provided me with the opportunity to gain valuable information and grow as an individual throughout earning my master’s degree in mild to moderate disabilities. Thanks to the knowledge and expertise of the teachers, administrators, support staff, and students in the program, I learned how to be a better teacher inside and outside the classroom.”

Are you committed to making a difference in the lives of Southern Arizona public school students?

Applications for Fall 2025 fellowships will be open from December 16, 2024 - March 1, 2025. 


Financial support offered to Arizona Teaching Fellows

The college and the district are invested in you and accepted fellows receive the following financial support:

  • A $1,000 stipend as an accepted Arizona Teaching Fellow at the start of the fall semester of professional program coursework at the University of Arizona College of Education.
  • An additional $1,000 stipend is awarded to fellows each additional semester in their professional program, not to exceed four semesters.
  • You will also receive a $400 district stipend at the midpoint of student teaching (timed to disburse the second week of February).
  • As well as a $400 district stipend at the completion of student teaching (timed to disburse the last week of May).

Being named an Arizona Teaching Fellow means one is more likely to be hired by that school district after graduation (subject to district decision and openings in the field of expertise). If upon graduation, you accept and begin a teaching position in your district, you will receive additional support, including:

  • A $400 district stipend at the completion of the first year of teaching.
  • A $600 district stipend at the completion of the second year of teaching.
  • A $1,000 district stipend at the completion of the third year of teaching.


Important information about the application process

  • The application is straightforward and asks for the following materials to be uploaded:
    1. a statement on teaching
    2. a résumé
  • Applicants can exit and return before submitting the application (same browser and device required). 
  • We are aware that for many, this application period coincides with applications for teacher certification programs. Although applicants must be admitted into a teacher certification program to become a Teaching Fellow, it is okay to apply before being admitted into that program. The fellow's program will verify admittance into the professional programs in order to be eligible for district interviews.


Your Statement on Teaching should address the following:

  1. Why do you wish to become an Arizona Teaching Fellow? Include your personal connection to the field of education.
  2. Give an example of something you might do as a teacher that you believe would have a positive impact on student learning.
  3. Tell us what you find to be an effective way to engage students? How would you tell it's working?

One page is appropriate. Limit to a MAXIMUM of 3 paragraphs per question above.

As an undergraduate student in the Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education or Mild to Moderate Disability program, a fellowship lasts two years, the same amount of time that a student will spend taking professional program classes. As a graduate student in Teach Arizona, a fellowship lasts one year. As a graduate student in the Mild to Moderate program, a fellowship typically lasts two years. As a graduate student in the HCAT program  (formerly Alt. path) a fellowship lasts two years. Fellowship funding continues the first three years of teaching if you are hired by the same district where you participated as an Arizona Teaching Fellow.

Applications are accepted December 20 - March 1 each year.

  • Undergraduate programs in elementary, early childhood, or mild to moderate teaching:
  • Teach Arizona Program in Secondary Education Patty Stowers
  • Mild to Moderate Disabilities M.A. degree: Jennifer White
  • HCAT secondary certification program: Curtis Acosta

Yes, you can be both at the same time, and still earn your fellowship stipends. Know there is a separate application for the Arizona Teachers Academy (ATA) scholarship.