The Research Support Team (RST) provides assistance to PIs at every phase of their research projects, from proposal to closeout. College of Education PIs are encouraged to use the RST, regardless of project size, sponsor, dollar amount, or whether it is a primary or subcontracted project. The RST supports proposals and projects routed through Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) and the University of Arizona Foundation (UAF).
All proposals must be reviewed and approved by the Office of the Dean and appropriate university office(s) prior to submission. If proposals are not submitted within the deadlines outlined, we cannot guarantee that it will be approved in time for submission. The 7-day deadline is put in place so that we can address any unforeseen issues tied to routing.
Instructions for PIs

Instructions for non-PIs
So, you are on a grant but are not the PI. What should you do?
7 TIPS to help the College of Education assist you in a timely manner if you are a Co-PI, senior personnel, evaluator, instructor, or specialist, etc. on grants or contracts.
- Pre-Proposal meeting: Always contact the research support team (Chelsea, Sara) so we can schedule a pre-proposal grant meeting.
- Contact us early in the grant discussion. Preferably 3 months out.
- Department Head meeting: You must discuss your role with your Department Head per:
- Any cost share requirements
- Financial
- Time
- Student tuition, etc.
- A course buyout
- Space needs
- Any cost share requirements
- Budget: Don’t skip meeting with Chelsea or Sara to start discussing your budget – you do not want to underestimate your financial needs per your role on the project.
- Equitable F & A Split: Must consider your F&A split. Make sure you are not underrepresented per your role. Typically, your F&A is calculated by the amount of time and/or management duties you will hold, as well as take into consideration the use of CoE resources such as finance office support to co-manage the funds you receive.
- Abstract: Always provide an abstract or outline of your project so we know what it is about.
- Letters: Make sure you know what letters you may need from:
- Administration in the College
- Assistance with letters from UA Senior leadership team
- Any non-UA entities such as schools, districts, non-profits
- Other forms that are being requested that you are responsible for
- UAR Proposal access: Add Chelsea as a viewer of the proposal so we can help you with executing our end.
A viewer cannot edit the proposal.