Professional Undergraduate Admission

Want to Apply?

We look forward to you joining the University of Arizona College of Education! If you're an undergraduate student interested in a career in education, read on for professional admission information.

Applicants are required to meet with an academic advisor before beginning the application process. Call (520) 621-7865 to schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor. In addition, all students are required to have a valid Arizona IVP fingerprint clearance card for professional admission and fieldwork.

Please also read FAQs about admission to the Undergraduate Professional Preparation Programs.

Please contact your advisor for details.

Students intending to apply for professional admission to the Deaf Studies professional program, or the Early Childhood, Elementary Education or Mild-Moderate Disabilities teacher preparation programs to begin in Fall must apply by the 2nd Friday in February.

The Elementary Education program also accepts applications due by the second Friday of September to begin the program in the following spring semester.

NOTE: Applications may be considered after the deadline if space is available in courses. See an academic advisor in Student Services to discuss whether this may be an option for you. 

All students are required to have a valid Arizona IVP fingerprint clearance card for professional admission and fieldwork. The card takes several weeks to obtain and is valid for six years, so you are encouraged to pursue this as soon as possible. 

If you need assistance finding a placement for hours in a school setting for Early Childhood, Elementary, or Mild-Moderate Disabilities, please visit the Office of Field Experiences page (Pre-Program Observation Hours menu). There are also “courses and other experiences” you can complete for hours. If you are in the process of transferring to the University of Arizona from outside of Tucson, please speak with your academic advisor to discuss your experience and options.

Experience hours and recommendations will not be accepted from babysitting, nannying, or family members.

Early Childhood Education, birth through grade 3: Use our online recommendation form to document your 60 hours. Two recommendations are required.

  • 30 hours in the Tucson area in public, district schools, grades K-3.
  • 30 hours in birth through pre-Kindergarten classrooms, including public and/or private schools, in or out of state.

NOTE: make sure your recommender has your email address so you receive a confirmation of submission.

Elementary Education, grades K-8: Use our online recommendation form to document your 60 hours. Two recommendations are required.

  • 30 hours in the Tucson area in public, district schools.
  • 30 hours, including public, charter, and/or private schools, in or out of state.

NOTE: make sure your recommender has your email address so you receive a confirmation of submission.

Mild-Moderate Disabilities, grades K-12: Use any combination of 2 recommendation letters on letterhead or our online recommendation form to document experience with children or youth with disabilities. 60 hours of experience with students with disabilities in public schools, grades K-12, are strongly encouraged but not required. Two total recommendations are required.

NOTE: make sure your recommender has your email address so you receive a confirmation of submission.

Deaf Studies (Educational Interpreting): Deaf Studies students do not need volunteer hours; therefore, please do NOT use the recommendation form. You will need two original, professional letters of recommendation on the organization's letterhead. These letters should speak to your ASL abilities and professionalism.

Your recommender may also complete a paper form if preferred.

Program applicants are required to demonstrate a strong GPA (minimum 2.5; 3.0 preferred), but all applicants are reviewed holistically and on a case-by-case basis. Demonstrating a strong GPA does not guarantee admission to the program.

Coursework Requirements

  • An advising plan must be created and signed with your College of Education academic advisor prior to the program application, to ensure you are on track for meeting programmatic requirements. Call (520) 621-7865 to schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor.
  • At minimum, students should have foundation math, freshman composition, and at least second-semester language completed prior to program admission. Deaf Studies (Educational Interpreting) applicants must have fourth semester American Sign Language (ASL) completed or in progress at the time of application.
  • Additionally, applicants to the Mild-Moderate Disabilities Online program must have all general education coursework, POL 210 (or equivalents) completed before program entry. 


Required Essay Prompt for All Applicants, By Program:

  • Deaf Studies: Describe your experiences with American Sign Language (ASL) and the Deaf community, including any work or interactions that have shaped your understanding of Deaf culture. If you are interested in the Educational Interpreting emphasis, discuss any experiences you may have working with children or youth, particularly in educational settings, and how these experiences have influenced your decision. Explain which emphasis (Educational Interpreting or General) you wish to focus on and why, and what motivates you to work with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. This essay should be 500-750 words and highlight key experiences, activities, and insights that have inspired your passion for the Deaf Studies major. Essay Rubric 
  • Elementary and Early Childhood: Teaching and learning change lives in many ways. In the College of Education, teacher preparation programs focus on how education changes lives in socially just and equitable ways. In a 500-750 word essay, explain how education has impacted your life and/or community positively and negatively. Then, discuss how your educational experiences will help you to be a socially just teacher. Essay Rubric
  • Mild-Moderate Disabilities: Describe your experience working with children and/or youth in educational settings that serve young people and why you want to work in your chosen profession. This should be a 500-750 word essay that outlines some of the work you have done with children, including activities you have participated in or directed, and summarizes your overall experiences and motivations for your intended teaching profession and the population you wish to work with (children or youth with special needs). Essay Rubric

* Supplemental Essay: If your grade point average is below the required 2.50 (3.0 preferred; all GPAs considered) and/or you are missing any application requirements, please prepare an essay addressing the circumstances that have affected your GPA/ability to complete all application requirements by the deadline.

Learn more about the Arizona Teachers Academy, which requires an additional application. This funding opportunity provides full-tuition scholarships and access to induction services like instructional coaches and professional development opportunities.

Learn more about the Arizona Teaching Fellows (AzTF) program, which requires an additional application. Program applications are typically accepted for teaching program applicants who are beginning their program in a fall semester.

Learn more about the Indigenous Teacher Education Program (ITEP), which requires additional documents to apply. Program applications are typically accepted every year for Elementary and Early Childhood program applicants who are beginning their program in a fall semester.

Learn more about the TEACH Grant, which requires an application in collaboration with your advisor. This is a federally funded grant for anyone pursuing a teacher preparation program. Applications are typically accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year.

The TRiO SSS – Teacher Prep Program is a federally funded program by the U.S. Department of Education that holistically supports our undergraduate students in order to increase our graduation rates and teacher workforce. We work in supporting students who are first-generation college students, low-income, or have a documented disability.

Students pursuing the Mild to Moderate Online program must complete the professional application and be admitted to the professional program prior to acceptance to the University of Arizona. In addition to the above items, applicants must have Arizona Domicile Residency.

Please review the initial requirement checklist to learn more about the steps for getting started in our fully online program.

Please watch the following videos for application information and support:
Mild to Moderate Disabilities Major Overview
Mild to Moderate Disabilities Professional Admission Requirements
Mild to Moderate Disabilities Professional Admission Step-by-Step Guide

We know that transferring may seem challenging, so we want to help make the process as easy as possible. Academic advisors will meet with you along the way to make sure that your transfer is successful. This is especially crucial because most of our programs require an application the February of your sophomore year for fall term professional admission; academic advisors are here to help you prepare for this as well. If you are planning to transfer to the University of Arizona College of Education, please identify your major advisor to schedule an appointment.

I’m ready to apply for undergraduate admission!

Please reach out to or meet with your academic advisor to sign your advising plan and ensure you have the above requirements met prior to applying.

apply now!

(Should you have technical problems, please contact your academic advisor.)

Postbaccalaureate (Elementary only)
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Contact your College of Education advisor.

Teach Arizona for Secondary Education 
Applicants should contact the Teach Arizona office at (520) 621-6993.