How could we expand the use of biofuels in the future?

Graduate student fellow Meshack Audu from New Mexico State University observes young students Easton, Ethan, and Rene as they experiment with the relationship between temperature and calories. By burning a walnut, students learned how to measure stored energy in plant sources. This was one of the labs in the recent 4-H summer camp, Biofuels Powering your World. Taught by educator Craig Bal, the summer camp was an education outreach piece of the Sustainable Bioeconomy for Arid Regions project, for which Assistant Dean Sara Chavarria is the education partner. Students presented their energy project on the final day. Craig was impressed with how quickly the students grasped the biofuel and energy vocabulary. There is potential energy to be found in these young scientists, that is certain!
For more on this research project
Photo credit: Torran Anderson