Ronald W. Marx named Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

June 2, 2023
ron marx headshot, wearing a suit and tie, salt pepper hair, standing outside the college of education building

As Provost Liesl Folks steps away from her administrative post, I want to thank her again for capably leading the Office of the Provost for the past four years and for agreeing to continue in her capacity as an Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member to establish a new Center for Semiconducting Manufacturing. We appreciate Provost Folks’ varied accomplishments since her arrival in 2019 and her ongoing contributions to our University community.

Please join the University of Arizona College of Education in welcoming the former College of Education Dean, who has been named Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost: Ronald W. Marx, Professor of Educational Psychology and Dean of Education Emeritus.

Dr. Marx will step into this interim leadership position July 1. Congratulations, Dr. Marx!