Student internship experience ends with signed legislation by California Governor Gavin Newsom to extend paid family leave

The Literacy, Learning, and Leadership, B.S., program has grown tremendously over the past few years. Likely in part due to the variety of career paths the degree can lead our students down.
A big part of the program is the internship experience.
Current LLL student Lisa Friedman spent her (virtual) summer internship with the Jewish Center for Justice, a distinguished social justice, education, and leadership development platform that empowers current and future leaders to build a more compassionate and just society. The main focus of her time with the organization was spent advocating for SB 1383, a Senate bill that will extend access to paid family and medical leave for 6 million more Californians.
Friedman was invited to witness the signing via Zoom – a “once in a lifetime experience” she says. She added, “There were only 100 of us on the call and I got to hear from people like Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez [Office of Lorena Gonzalez], Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, and Governor Gavin Newsom. It was incredible and so moving to see some people on the call who had been working to get legislation like this passed for over 20 years.”
We are so proud of your work, Lisa, and are honored to call you a Wildcat in the College of Education!