Student Speaker Highlights the Power of Scholarships in Transforming Lives

We loved seeing our recipients and donors at the College of Education Scholarship Breakfast. Thank you all for joining us! Please take a moment to read the kind words shared with us this morning by Kennedy Bennet who received the Regan McKenzie Callister Scholarship in Education and the Dolores R. Kaith Scholarship.
"Good morning peers, faculty, donors, and everyone here today to honor our lovely scholarship recipients. I am so honored to be speaking to you all this morning. I am Kennedy Bennett, a current junior here at the University of Arizona studying Elementary Education. When I was asked to do this speech today a million thoughts and ideas flooded my mind. How could I possibly capture in five minutes the essence of this school, my experience, and what this means to me? When that became too much I decided rather to focus on what connections I could make with everyone here today. After a few short moments, it occurred to me that what draws us all here today is our drive to create impact.
In my life, there have been many moments that have shaped me into the person I am today. I was born to a single, teen mom who has spent much of my life battling her health, mental and physical to provide for me and my younger brother. My father is tied to me by love and not blood and has dedicated his life to watching me and my brother succeed. I have seen my parents and family struggle in ways that have shaped my views and allowed me to grow up far faster than intended. I have been both a victim and a survivor. I have loved, lost, fought, and grown. Most importantly, I have persevered and survived because of the kindness of people like everyone before me today.
Whether you are a College of Education student learning and striving to impact those around you or a donor here supporting kids like me because of someone or something that has impacted you, we are all drawn here today by our passion for helping others. For that I would like to thank you all.
Thank you on behalf of little girls who have watched their loved ones skip meals so we could eat. Thank you from parents, like mine, who have never had the opportunity to attend university, who now get to live vicariously through their children because of the generosity of people like you.
Thank you from the teenagers who like me, truly didn’t know if they’d win their battle against mental illness and be here today. Thank you from the kids who were told they were aiming too high for their realities. Thank you for not only seeing us but believing in us.
Like many, I am often applauded for being “put together”. Though like many students here today I am quite the opposite. I worry about where the money for my next meal will come from, how I will afford to transport myself to my required fieldwork, and if I will be able to afford another semester at the university due to my financial situation. These scholarships are the sole reason why I have been able to continue my enrollment. Not only have these scholarships relieved a large weight off of my shoulders, additionally they have also allowed me to keep my promise of being a first-generation college student and hopefully graduate to my biggest supporter who I hope is watching down on me proud today, my great grandmother who I lost to cancer years ago. It is because of you, that I can know I am making her and all of those who have supported me proud. It is because of the people in this room who spend their lives building others up that I am able to continue my impact as a student, an educator, and most importantly as a person who is trying to make a difference.
I thank everyone here today for their dedication to sharing their kindness and story with the world. I hope you all continue to meet your goals and know every action you make holds immense value to the people around you."
~Kennedy Bennett