Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural studies graduate student awarded over $2K in funds for research, writing project

University of Arizona College of Education graduate student Sherilyn Analla has been working on a research project to help her shape her query, which got her $2,500 in funding from the Native Nations Institute. It’s called The 'Indigenous Motherhood Pedagogy' writing project, in which Sherilyn is working with Indigenous early childhood teachers who are mothers and teach in their own tribal preschools, and they will co-author an article together. Sherilyn was also able to secure an $80,000 grant from the better way Foundation to find the first O’odham and Pee Posh Early Childhood Symposium via TOCC in the fall. She started her own organization called 'Indigenous Mothers in Early childhood.' Sherilyn is a 2022 Beacon of Hope Leader for the 'National MomsRising' organization. She also works full-time as a CCDF (office childcare) technical program specialist.