Z Nicolazzo on the record breaking anti-trans legislation being introduced across the US

EPSP Associate Professor Z Nicolazzo recently spoke with Teen Vogue about an open letter signed by more than 17,300 educators and educational scholars that was sent to President Biden in response to the record-breaking anti-trans legislation being introduced across the country. Among the letter’s demands were requests for public schools to increase access to health care for transgender students and employees, implement policy for the full inclusion of transgender athletes in K-12 sports and only use sex markers where completely necessary, ensuring that these markers match transgender students’ gender preferences whenever used.
Nicolazzo, a co-author of the letter, pointed out that some populations, like trans girls and Black trans youth, will be more affected by these anti-trans bills than others. She added, “We believe that education can be a site of play and exploration for students of all identities. Everyone deserves to feel safe at school.”