Office of Field Experiences



Welcome to the Office of Field Experiences website. Our office is committed to providing College of Education students enrolled in our Early Childhood and Elementary Teacher Certification Programs with positive, practical field experiences throughout their program. 

Our office is staffed with a director, Maggie Shafer, an administrative associate, Virginia Gonzalez, and rotating student workers. Staff members work to ensure successful field experiences. These experiences will enable students to enter the education profession as enthusiastic and highly effective teachers.

Teacher candidates, Supervising Practitioners, and University Program Supervisors, below please find the resources that will support our work together.

Support with finding placements for pre-program observation hours will be provided by the Office of Field Experiences during the following dates only:

  • Fall 2024:  August 19th – September 6th
  • Spring 2025:  January 6th – January 24th

If you would like help with finding an Early Childhood or Elementary classroom in which to volunteer, please complete the Experience Placement Application Form and email us during the timeframe provided above.

If you would like help finding a Mild-Moderate Disabilities classroom in which to volunteer, please complete the DPS Experience Placement Form and send it to Jennifer White during the timeframe provided above.

Someone in the Office of Field Experiences will contact you shortly after you submit your form via email. 

Pre-Program students need to complete the Recommendation Form/Hours Log during their Pre-Program Observation hours. Advisors will ask students for this completed form and log during the admissions process.

Contact Us

Margaret Shafer headshot

Maggie Rosairo Shafer
Director, Filed Experience

Virginia Gonzalez headshot

Virginia Gonzalez
Administrative Associate