Melody Buckner
Melody Buckner is the Associate Vice Provost of Digital Learning and Online Initiatives for the University of Arizona since 2019. In this role, she collaborates with university leaders, faculty, and academic staff to articulate the implementation of online education and assist in defining the institutional values for digital learning to align with the University’s mission.
She served as the Interim Dean of UA South from 2016 to 2019. She was instrumental in transforming the direction of this remote campus to become the College of Applied Science and Technology for the University of Arizona. This college focuses on cyber operation, applied computing, intelligence and information operations.
From 2014 to 2019 she also served as the Senior Director of Digital Learning and Online Education at the University of Arizona. In this role she created an office of instructional design, visual design, video production and quality assurance for the Arizona Online. She came to UA ten years ago as an Instructional Designer to help faculty create online courses that reach out and engage students in an online UA experience.
Her faculty affiliation is with the College of Education at the University of Arizona. She conducts research and teaching in the areas of educational technology, digital and creative literacies and multicultural education.
She serves on the board of BYTE a cross-border youth development program offering tennis and academic classes on both sides of the Nogales US/Mexico border. She became involved with this organization because of her passion for digital storytelling and love of the game of tennis.
Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Science from the College of Architecture at Arizona State University and a master’s in educational technology from Northern Arizona University. She earned her PhD in Language, Reading, and Culture from the University of Arizona in 2015. Her informal education consists of living in over 40 different places including several countries overseas.
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