Yousra Abourehab
Dr. Yousra Abourehab is an Assistant Professor of Practice in International Studies at the College of Education at the University of Arizona. She earned a Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies at the University of Arizona. Yousra has taught several undergraduate courses in the Teacher Preparation programs at the UA. Also, she has developed and delivered K-16 professional learning series and workshops in international education and multilingualism through multiple collaborative projects including the Worlds of Experience for Language Learning (WELL) Project. Currently, she is directing the Global Education program at the College of Education.
Her research interests include multilingualism, global education, community-based learning, language planning policy, and Arabic as a global language. Her work has appeared in journals such as Intercultural Communication Education, Multilingual and Multicultural Development, and Curriculum Studies Research (Google Scholar). Her collaborative research has won the 2021 J. Michael Parker Award from the Literacy Research Association. Her recent international collaborations include K-12 projects in the Middle East and North African region.