Recreation & Sport in Communities, Parks & Schools
Quick Facts
Main Campus (Tucson)
In Person, Online
This minor explores the power of recreation and sport to enhance quality of life, instill meaningful social values, and create opportunities for healthy development in people of all ages. Coursework will build applied programming and administration skills, as well as examine the theory and socio-cultural context of recreation and sport, including issues of access and equity. Students with this minor are equipped to provide quality, inclusive, accessible leisure experiences in a wide variety of settings.
Graduate with a personal philosophy of recreation and leisure.
Study important administration principles for public and nonprofit agencies.
Learn and apply knowledge about event planning and programming.
This minor can help prepare you for further studies and careers in:
- K-12 and youth sports coach, coordinator or director
- Collegiate athletics administrator or coach
- Adaptive sports program manager
- Campus recreation manager or program director
- Municipal parks and recreation department manager or coordinator
- Community organization leisure services coordinator (e.g., YMCA, Boys and Girls Club)
- Outdoor recreation planner or guide
- Sports facility manager
This 18-unit minor requires a minimum of 9 upper division (300-400 level) units. Through this program, you will take courses from top scholars in a variety of subjects, including:
- SRL 353*: Recreation and Leisure in Contemporary Society
- SRL 354*: Administration in Recreation, Community, & Non-Profit Organizations
- SRL 355*: Planning Community Events and Recreation Programs
- SRL 356: Sports, Adolescents, and School
- SRL 201: Using Physical Activity to Explore the Human Body
*Indicates required course
Gain hands-on experience and training in actual service in a business or government establishment. Students may complete multiple internships worth a varying amount of credit. Up to 6 internship credits may be used toward the completion of this minor.
If you are interested in pursuing academic credit for an internship, please reach out to Dr. Xingxing Wu to begin the process.
How to Declare a Recreation & Sport in Communities, Parks & Schools Minor
Please complete the Information Session to declare this minor. For more information, contact Matt Ostermeyer.