Spanish Proficiency Exam

The Arizona Classroom Teacher Spanish Proficiency Exam (Examen de Habilidad en Español Pédagógico) is offered at the University of Arizona. It is typically offered on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The examination fee is $100 for the whole exam.  In case any section of the exam needs to be retaken, the fee is $50 per section. Prepayment of this examination fee is required for registration. Checks or money orders must be received three weeks before the exam date. Checks should be made payable to the University of Arizona and sent to the following address:

Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies
Spanish Proficiency Examination, Education Building, rm 512
P.O. Box 210069
Tucson, AZ 85721-0069

Due to space limitations, assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Your check will be returned if space is not available. Once your space is reserved, the fee is non-refundable. Cassette tapes, test and paper are provided for you to use during the examination; no other aids (i.e. dictionaries) may be used during the exam time.

Exam results will be mailed two weeks after the exam date. For more information, call 520-621-1311.

The exam tests four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. There are a total of nine sections on the exam. They are grouped into three categories.

SPE review packet.

Videotape Category

Oral Comprehension of Students. The examinee will be given a classroom discussion presented on videotape and will answer questions asked about the content in order to demonstrate comprehension of students' speech.

Oral Category

Oral Communication with Parents. The examinee will show that he or she can communicate orally with parents using a professional style appropriate to the context and situation, while demonstrating his or her ability to use correct grammar and pronunciation.

Oral Reading. The examinee will read with expression and fluency, a short literary selection, using correct pronunciation, as if reading to a group of school children.

Oral Presentation of an Instructional Activity. The examinee will present a lesson, as if teaching a group of elementary school children, based on instructions provided in a teacher's guide, using complete sentences, proper grammar and correct pronunciation.

Oral Questions. The examinee will formulate questions on a reading selection as if the examinee were posing these questions to a group of elementary school children.
Technical Vocabulary. The examinee will express in Spanish the words and phrases provided in English, using correct pronunciation.

Written Category

Translation. The examinee will be given an announcement to be translated from English to Spanish while being expected to use correct grammar, spelling, vocabulary, style and content.

Reading a Professional Journal. The examinee will read a short selection from a professional journal and write two paragraphs, between 50 and 100 words each. One paragraph will be a summary of the selection and the other will be a personal reaction to the selection. Evaluation will be based on comprehension, correct grammar and spelling, in addition to appropriate vocabulary, style and content.

Reading and Editing Student Compositions. The examinee will be given student writings and will rewrite any underlined word or words, making corrections when necessary.

For more information, please contact TLS Department 621-1311, Education Building room 512 or email Maria Belinda Vasquez.