Dr. Enoch-Stevens and Dr. Daramola Secure Spencer Foundation Grant for Groundbreaking Study on Black Vision-Setting and K-12 School Police Defunding Policies

Dr. Enoch-Stevens (Principal Investigator, EPSP) and Dr. Eupha Jeanne Daramola (Co-Principal Investigator, UC Irvine) have been awarded a research grant from the Spencer Foundation to support their study of how Black vision-setting has shaped a local K-12 funding policy, namely the reallocation of dollars previously used for school police. This two-year project, titled "Imagine the Possibilities: How Black Imaginaries Shaped SRO Defunding Policies," is a multi-district study that qualitatively investigates how and to what extent Black imaginaries shaped recent policies that shifted funds from school police toward other educational resources. This study builds on scholarship that examines the importance of marginalized community voice when formulating education funding decisions.