Evaluation of UA Micro-campus Project

As mentioned in Inside Higher Ed: University of Arizona wants to establish more than 25 “microcampuses” -- capable of collectively educating more than 25,000 students -- at partner universities around the world. Arizona’s Center for the Study of Higher Education will be leading an evaluation effort of the microcampuses, looking at a series of research questions including the experiences and outcomes for participating students and their reasons for selecting microcampus programs, and the experiences and outcomes for participating faculty, including as they relate to teaching collaboration and research production. “Quality control is the exact reason the UA microcampus will involve ongoing research,” Jenny Lee, a professor at the center who is leading the evaluation effort, said via email. “We will be surveying and interviewing participating students and faculty throughout the year and [in] years to come on a range of experiences and outcomes.”
Read more in University World News and at Tucson.com.