Making higher education a reality through the UA Upward Bound Program
Rising seniors at Cholla High School, Anyssa Montaño and Jessica Valdez are enjoying the UA Rec Center facilities as part of Upward Bound's summer programming. The week's academic focus is on math instruction and came with the perk of guest speakers in the fields of physics, chemistry, math, engineering, and higher education. After four weeks of academy, there will be a student showcase and a road trip to see Arizona colleges.
UA Upward Bound is a program that makes higher education a reality for the 60 students from Cholla and Pueblo high schools whom they serve. Key to this program are peer-mentoring, family involvement and, Saturday academies that offer cultural enrichment and college preparation activities. UA Upward Bound is run by director Arlett Perez and coordinator Maria Mata. Read more on this program and its objectives here.