American Indian Language Development Institute
The American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI) offers summer programs focused on Indigenous languages.
Borderlands Education Center
The Borderlands Education Center (BEC) is an intellectual hub in the rural borderlands of Southern Arizona that expands learning and research opportunities for border teachers and communities.
The core focus of CEARE is to offer program evaluation services, training, and scholarship opportunities that foreground COE’s and U of A's equity-centered mission in research, teaching, and service to the Arizona community and beyond.
Center for Research on Classrooms
With a goal of improving student learning in K-12 classrooms, the Center for Research on Classrooms (CRC) focuses on the development of research activities and policy papers that are problem-focused and driven by research evidence.
Center for the Study of Higher Education
Established in 1977, the Center for the Study of Higher Education (HED) offers graduate degree programs with concentrations in comparative higher education, organization and administration, college access, and student affairs.
Cooper Center for Environmental Learning
A partnership between TUSD and the College of Education, the Cooper Center educates children and adult chaperones, educators, pre-service teachers, and volunteers about ecology, science, and the wonders of the Sonoran Desert.
Each One, Teach One
The phrase Each One, Teach One is an African proverb that originated in the United States during slavery when Africans were denied education. When someone learned how to read or write, it became their responsibility to teach someone else.
Education Policy Center
As the only university-based center in the state dedicated to policy issues of PK-20 education, the Education Policy Center (EPC) shares education policy research with the community and is a key resource for policymakers.
Educational Psychology Research Sponsored Activities
We are proud to introduce you to our current Educational Psychology research-sponsored activities, each playing a pivotal role in advancing our knowledge and contributing to the betterment of education.
Indigenous Teacher Education Project
The Indigenous Teacher Education Project (ITEP) is a 4-year project in partnership with Gila River Indian Community, Pascua Yaqui Tribe, Tohono O'odham Nation, and Tucson Unified School District to strengthen the learning experiences of Indigenous students by addressing the need to increase the number of Indigenous teachers serving Indigenous students, schools, and communities.
Native SOAR
Native SOAR is a service-learning mentoring program for Native undergraduate students that provides mentorship and prepares members to mentor local Native middle and high school students.
Pathways to Teaching
Pathways to Teaching is a collaboration between the College of Education and Sunnyside Unified School District that supports Tucson-are residents in earning a bachelor's degree in elementary education with an ESL endorsement.
Project OIC
The University of Arizona (UA) is offering an interdisciplinary collaboration between two highly effective online special education programs: preparing teachers of Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) students and preparing behavior analysts.
Project Outreach FAMILIA
Project Outreach FAMILIA is a collaborative of the College of Education and the University's HSI Initiative Office that seeks to expand college-going outreach and quality dual enrollment courses at local high schools.
Project POEM
The goal of this research project is to better understand and further advance the awareness, persistence, and resilience of STEM-related careers by middle and high school students with visual impairments through mentoring and project-based learning.
Project Focus
A pioneering post-high school option for students ages 18-22 who have intellectual disabilities and are enrolled in schools in Pima County, Project FOCUS provides access to the university's academic offerings and campus life in order to increase students' self-determination and employability.
Research Group on Child Development, Education and Policy
The Research Group on Child Development, Education, and Policy (CDEP) is a multi-disciplinary collaborative that conducts research to study early childhood and family characteristics that impact learning, development, school readiness, and health outcomes.
Student Services Support for Aspiring Teachers
The College of Education is one of the just three University of Arizona units awarded $1.3 million each to provide support student support services, particularly for first-generation students, low-income students, and students with disabilities.
Talk It Out
Talk It Out is a partnership program with the TUSD Family Resource Centers that provides free and timely mental health counseling services to TUSD students and families using a practicum training model.
The BIOS.P.H.E.R.Es Lab
The BioS.P.H.E.R.Es research lab examines emotion regulation, social and motivational factors that predict student well-being, including their quality of life, acculturative stress, and physiological stress.
Tucson Regional Educators Collaborative
The Tucson Regional Educators Collaborative (TREC)is a project led by the College of Education and CITY Center for Collaborative Learning that will improve professional learning opportunities for teachers in Southern Arizona.
Upward Bound
Upward Bound is a college-prep program that provides underrepresented, low-income, first-generation high school students the social and academic capital building support needed to transition from high school into college.
West Regional Native American Language Resource Center (NALRC)
Building relational infrastructure for Native American language sustainability through planning, training, and advocacy.
Worlds of Words
Worlds of Words (WOW), the largest international collection of global children's books in the United States, is a global literacy center committed to creating an international network of people who share the vision of bringing books and children together.