Educational Leadership, Ed.D.

Educational Leadership
Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.)

Quick Facts


Main Campus (Tucson), Arizona Online

Program Format


The Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, in the Educational Leadership & Policy  (EDLP) unit, is designed to advance knowledge and address enduring and future problems in education by:

  • Exploring issues of social justice for educational equity and opportunity,
  • Engaging in research situated in socio-cultural, economic, and political contexts, 
  • Addressing the significance of changing and challenging educational contexts.

Students in our Ed.D. program will gain the leadership skills and research background to challenge unjust systems and promote continuous educational improvement in their organizations. Students continue to work as full-time practitioners while they study and apply new knowledge to their day-to-day practice. Our program is centered around the Dissertation in Practice, in which students work to address persistent challenges within their current educational organizations.  

Our Ed.D. program is a member of the prestigious Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate (CPED), the nation’s leading organization focused on the Doctorate of Education.

Note: The Ed.D. program begins during the summer.

Apply scholarship to practice in educational organizations
Research a problem in your organization with the Dissertation in Practice
Explore issues of social justice and current educational contexts

Additional information about our Ed.D. in Educational Leadership:

  • Three-year program
  • Entirely online and mostly asynchronous
  • One cohort admitted per year, with a start date in mid-May
  • Application deadline of January 15 
  • Transfer credits not accepted
  • Does not lead to principal or superintendent certification
  • The degree costs $625 per credit and includes a total of 63 credits. The cost is the same for all students, regardless of state or national residency
  • The course sequence and start date of the Ed.D. Program are subject to change for the incoming cohort

Is an Ed.D. right for me?


The program prepares students for leadership positions in educational organizations, including K-12 school districts and higher education settings.

Sample Courses

EDL 602: Culturally Responsive Leadership and Policy
EDL 625: Leadership for the School and Diverse Community
EDL 626: Leadership for Social Justice - Ethics and Law

complete course list

Admission Requirements

  • Master's Degree
  • Current or previous educational leadership experience
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 for graduate work
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of purpose
  • Writing sample
  • (GRE is not required)

Ready to learn more? 

We recommend reading the student handbook for details about our department and our program. For more information, contact us.

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