Feature: Arizona Wildcat, Alumna Amanda Agate

We would like to feature an Arizona Wildcat, let us introduce you to alumna Amanda Agate. She is a 2016 graduate with a degree in the Leadership and Learning Innovation B.S. program. Recently, Amanda was hired as the new Manager of South and Southeast Asia Programs for Arizona International.
“After graduating from the College of Education in Fall 2015, Amanda lived in Europe teaching ESL in different school systems. Returning after 3 years, Amanda then earned a Master’s degree in English Applied Linguistics, a TEFL certification from the Center for English as a Second Language (CESL), and a bachelor’s degree in Leadership, Literacy, and Learning with an emphasis in Multicultural Education – all from the University of Arizona. Prior to joining the Global Education team at Arizona International, Amanda taught English as a Second Language in the countries of Iceland, Italy, and the Czech Republic as well as volunteering to teach ESL in the Tucson communities through Literacy Connects as well as other non-profits. As the recipient of a Fulbright-Hayes Scholarship, Amanda also participated in a teacher training program as well as Mandarin language learning in Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing, China in 2019 presenting the research form this trip afterwards on how it impacts the HED courses within Arizona International.”
Learn more about Leadership and Learning Innovation.