Arthur Applebee Award for Excellence in Research on Literacy

Dec. 1, 2022
Assistant Professor Leah Durán

Arthur Applebee Award for Excellence in Research on Literacy Committee
2022 Award Announcement

Submitted by Kathleen A. Hinchman, Committee Chair

The Arthur Applebee Award for Excellence in Research on Literacy is presented annually to honor an outstanding article in literacy research published in a refereed journal in the previous calendar year.  This Award is co-sponsored with the Literacy Research Association, the University at Albany School of Education, and the University at Albany Foundation.  The award is presented in memory of University at Albany - SUNY Distinguished Professor Arthur N. Applebee, internationally renowned for his groundbreaking scholarship in the fields of literacy and language learning.

The committee is pleased to present the 2022 award to Lucía Cárdenas Curiel and Leah Durán for their 2021 article, “A Historical Inquiry into Bilingual Reading Textbooks: Coloniality and Biliteracy at the Turn of the 20th Century.” This article appeared in Reading Research Quarterly, volume 56 number 3, pages 497-518. This article presents an informative dissection of the opportunities for learning offered by bilingual reading textbooks in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines in the aftermath of the Spanish–American War, an important analysis with implications for today’s textbook development across the globe.

Lucía Cárdenas Curiel is an assistant professor in the College of Education, Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Her research interests lie at the intersection of pedagogical knowledge, literacies, and linguistic repertoires, which allow engagement from the classroom to teacher education programs and to research and theory. Leah Durán is an associate professor in the College of Education, Department of Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Her research focuses on approaches to literacy teaching and learning that build on the linguistic resources of bi/multilingual students.

To nominate an article for the 2023 award, please send an electronic copy of the article and a nomination letter that states how the article meets the criteria to Kathleen Hinchman by Tuesday, September 5, 2023.  Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations should be a research article published in a refereed journal between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022.  Please see the LRA website for further criteria and eligibility information.