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Arizona high school students will soon be able to take dual-enrollment University of Arizona-designed pre-calculus courses, thanks to a new program from our College of Education and Hispanic-Serving Institution Initiatives that aims to strengthen college-going resources in high schools. The program will partner with Arizona high schools whose student populations are at least 60 percent Hispanic.
The new $3 million U.S. Department of Education grant is directed by Cindy Trejo, the grant’s principal investigator, and is known as Outreach FAMILIA. "This award from the Department of Education speaks to the University of Arizona's commitment as a Hispanic-Serving Institution — and allows us to fulfill that commitment to even more Arizona students," said University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins. "It is vitally important we create pathways to the university, and I am proud we are finding ways to better prepare our local high school students to pursue their higher education goals and fulfilling careers in STEM fields."
The work behind Outreach FAMILIA — which stands for Forwarding Academic Mechanisms Integral to Learning in the Academy — began well before the designation, said Trejo. The vision for the program grew out of community meetings, which included school district leaders and students.