Cats @ the Capitol

The UA Alumni Association, in partnership with the UA Office of Government and Community Relations, hosted the 2016 Cats @ the Capitol in January in Phoenix. Six College of Education alumni and staff joined more than 60 members of AdvoCats to meet with state government officials to discuss issues affecting the UA and to advocate for the legislative agenda developed by the Arizona Board of Regents and the presidents of the three state universities. Attendees participated in a panel discussion with state legislators and a member of Governor Ducey's staff.
UA President Ann Weaver Hart met with the AdvoCats and explained the priorities she will present in her address to the Senate in February. Her priorities include adopting the ABOR higher education funding model based on the state, eventually covering 50 percent of the cost of instruction for every Arizona resident student and asking the state to provide $32 million in recurring funds to be allocated according to the new model.
The UA Alumni Association will schedule visits for Tucson and Phoenix alumni to visit the Capitol on Wednesdays while the Legislature is in session. It is very important that the legislators hear from alumni, in person, or by phone.
In other alumni news, the College of Education Alumni Council has created a Speakers Series, which will serve both alumni and current students, along with the greater Tucson education community. Be on the lookout for information in the near future.
We are constantly looking for ideas to bring alumni together here in Tucson, as well as across the country and worldwide. We hope to have multiple programs and social activities this semester to advance your journey to being a Wildcat for Life so keep an eye open for announcements! We also are planning get-togethers in other areas of the country. If you are interested in helping promote alumni activities in your area, please e-mail us at