Save the date! Adolescent, Family, and Community Literacy: Mobilizing Strength-based Pedagogies

Upcoming in March 2018 is Patty Anders’ retirement conference. Plan to bring a story, anecdote, memory, or joke to share, as a “Roast and Toast” in honor of Patty will kick off the events on March 8, 2018.
The conference, “Adolescent, Family, and Community Literacy: Mobilizing Strength Based Pedagogies,” invites teachers, community workers, and researchers to collaborate as a thought collective to connect theory and practice. It will be held March 9, 2018 from 8:30 to 5:30 pm.
By October 11, 2017 submit your abstract (about 150 words in length) to be considered to present at a roundtable during the conference.
In the abstract, describe the focus of your potential presentation and include a statement of how your presentation aligns with the purpose of this conference.
Send to Dr. Elizabeth Jaeger. Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you. If you have questions, please contact Kelly Allen .