Evidenced-based Rehabilitation Approach in Providing Cancer Education

Disability & Psychoeducational Studies Associate Professor of Research Catherine Marshall created a far-reaching program, Un Abrazo Para La Familia (A Hug for the Family), which provides cancer information and support to low-income, ethnically diverse, and medically underserved family members who are struggling with a cancer diagnosis within the family. Marshall adds, "The program has been found to significantly increase cancer knowledge among low-income co-survivors of cancer. After a simple psychoeducational and skills-teaching intervention, families are in a better position to effectively support their loved ones through cancer." Marshall recently held a two-day training session for several promotoras (a promotora is a lay Hispanic/Latino member who receives specialized training to provide basic health education in the community) so that they are prepared to reach out to families when needs arise during and after cancer treatment.
Not only does Marshall work in the college, she also happens to be a grad. She earned a doctorate in rehabilitation in 1985. For more information about the program, contact Catherine Marshall.