Taucia Gonzalez
Taucia González earned her Ph.D. at Arizona State University and is now an assistant professor of special education at the University of Arizona. Her research addresses issues of equity and inclusion for emergent bilinguals with and without learning disabilities (LD). She is currently examining how Latina/o/x and Hmong bilingual youth with and without LD use testimonios to rewrite their experiences with educational inequities. Her scholarship is committed to better understanding what emergent bilinguals with and without disabilities can do when pedagogies, practices, and policies seek to recognize, integrate, and sustain their cultures and voices. Dr. Gonzalez’s work bridges general and special education and has been featured in journals such as the Journal of Multilingual Research and the Educational Review. She currently serves as an associate editor for Exceptional Children, an advisor for the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center, and on the editorial boards for Review of Educational Research and Multiple Voices - Disability, Race, and Language Intersections in Special Education. She has also been recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse with the 2023 Early Career Award, the American Educational Research Association’s Latina/o/x Research Issues SIG with the 2022 Early Career Scholar Award, as a recipient of Educational Review’s Article of the Year Award for articles published in print in 2020, the University of Wisconsin 2017 Outstanding Woman of Color, and by Chicanos por la Causa with the Esperanza award in recognition of being an outstanding Latina educator. Dr. González teaches undergraduate and graduate courses that prepare future practitioners and researchers to create more inclusive educational systems across intersecting markers of difference. Dr. Gonzalez has spent over 20 years working in and with Latina/o/x communities as an educator and education researcher.