Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

diversity group photo

University of Arizona’s College of Education aims to ignite creativity, problem solving, and innovation among students, staff, and faculty that advances policies and practices informed by intersectional understandings of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. The committee’s mission then is to provide inclusive spaces and build capacity to support this work so that individuals and our different local communities have an equitable opportunity to thrive during their time with the college.

Advancing Justice through DEI Series

In keeping with our mission statement, the committee is organizing for 2022-2023 the Advancing Justice through DEI Series to address critical issues around diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, impacting both the College of Education and local communities.

In addition to inviting speakers to share their expertise working with underserved populations on issues of racism, disability, and higher education, the committee is also providing opportunities for the entire COE community to engage in these critically important conversations through different types of events and interactions, such as book studies, curriculum workshops, and panel discussions.

After engaging in these conversations, the committee will help translate the resulting concepts into practical recommendations for action for staff, students, faculty, and local communities.

The following will serve as a space where COE community members may access important resources related to each Advancing Justice offering in 2022-2023.

Visit us again soon for a video clip of the workshop!

Workshop materials can be accessed by UArizona staff, students, and faculty via the Toolkit's D2L course. To enroll in the course, please log into D2L with your NetID, click on “Discovery” at the top, and search for “Toolkit”.

Event Flyer

Visit us again soon for a video clip of the book discussion!

Read Solito online through the UA Library.

Event Flyer     |     Discussion slides

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Learning Series

Each month the College of Education will engage faculty and staff in Professional Learning focused on DEI. The monthly professional learning will have four parts:

  1. Read: Short and impactful articles, chapters, or blogs to help frame the topic for the month (Week 1).
  2. Watch/Listen: Watch a pre-recorded presentation, YouTube recordings, and/or listen to a podcast focused on the topic for the month (Week 2).
  3. Reflection: Journal, write reflections, and respond to prompts/questions based on the "read" and "watch/listen" for the month reading and recording (Week 3).
  4. Engage: Participate in sessions, which will include community conversations as well as authors from the readings, presenters from the pre-recorded session or podcast, or an expert on the topic of the month (Week 4).

The DEI Learning Series is intentionally framed in this way to allow faculty and staff to build a shared understanding of topics and concepts (read and watch/listen) before engaging.

Learn more about the upcoming and past sessions.

Mini-Grant Program

Another major initiative sponsored by the Diversity Committee for 2022-2023 is the second annual Mini-Grant Program. Intended to strengthen vibrant communities and cultures, promote civic engagement, and spark thoughtful community dialogue on diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, our mini-grants are designed to support bold and innovative projects that are meaningful to our college and local communities. Special consideration will be given to proposals that advance and support underserved, often marginalized, populations. For example, proposals might center indigenous practices and activism, or highlight the importance of serving the borderlands region; they could focus support too for the LGBTQ+ community, or feature efforts to promote anti-ableism.

This year’s application is now open through Monday, May 1, 2023.

All University of Arizona COE affiliates: students, staff, and faculty members. Affiliates are also encouraged to partner with local community members and organizations.

Proposals may request award amounts ranging from $100 to $5000. The total funds available for all proposals is $5000, with a maximum of five applicants to be awarded. We encourage small-scaled proposals to promote a wider impact across more communities.

The quality of proposals and their impact on underserved communities will be the Diversity Committee’s main considerations.

Funding may not be used for:

  • Capital improvements
  • Projects that promote individual gain only
  • Research projects by either faculty, staff, or students
  • Compensation for faculty or non-student worker staff
  • Scholarships, prizes, or gifts
  • Websites, or other related materials/services, used only to promote an organization
  • Professional development programs, training, conferences, membership,  or activities related to professional organizations, associations, or institutions
  • Activities related to fundraising, marketing, or program promotion

  • Proposal applications are due by 5 PM (Arizona time) on Monday, May 1, 2023.
  • All proposals submitted by the due date will be reviewed by the COE Diversity Committee.
  • Before submitting a proposal, applicants are strongly encouraged to carefully review the application, its prompts/guidelines, and their responses. Once a proposal application is submitted it cannot be modified until after it has been reviewed by the COE Diversity Committee.
  • All grants are awarded on a competitive basis and are dependent on the availability of funds. Partial funding may be awarded.
  • Awards are expected to be announced in mid-May 2023.

  • If partial funding is awarded, grantees may be asked to submit a revised budget.
  • The proposed project must be completed within one year of receiving the award.
  • Processes and outcomes of the project must be shared with the Diversity Committee. Details to follow once a grantee is awarded.