jesse stipek headshot, dark blonde hair, facial hair, wearing a brown button up shirt, standing outside with greenery in the background

Jesse Michael Stipek

Assistant Professor of Practice
Director of Graduate Studies
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Dr. Stipek received his Ph.D. in Educational Policy Studies and Practice from the College of Education at the University of Arizona. He earned his bachelor’s degree in History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his master’s degree was awarded from the University of Arizona in Educational Leadership from the College of Education. Additionally, as an undergrad he competed as a member of the University of Wisconsin-Madison swim team and held the role of team captain.

Dr. Stipek’s professional experience includes eight years as an assistant coach for the University of Arizona Swimming and Diving team. He has held positions in numerous levels of coaching and teaching ranging from working with age groupers to NCAA Champions and Olympic Gold medalists. While coaching, he has held various positions within the College of Education; from a member of the Diversity Committee, the College Council, and within the athletic department on the Inclusive Excellence Council. During his time as a coach, he also volunteered as a Cats Connect Mentor to first-year student-athletes.

Dr. Stipek’s research has focused on the necessity for new policies in relation to sexual assault within college athletics during the #MeToo movement. He is most interested in understanding how the political spectacle theory is implemented with policy creation regarding sexual assault. He continues to be active in research on Title IX, the NCAA, and equality within athletics.