marcy wood headshot

Marcy B Wood

Department Head, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies
Professor, Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies
Member of the Graduate Faculty

I am an Professor of Mathematics Education. My research interests arise from my experiences as a third and fourth grade teacher in Albuquerque, NM. I am curious about the mathematical learning of elementary students, and specifically students who have not yet been successful in mathematics classrooms. My current research uses the tools of discourse and identity to examine mathematical learning (or not) and to assist teachers in supporting the mathematical learning of their students. I also draw upon sociocultural theories, and cognitive theories, and conceptual metaphors as structures for understanding mathematical learning.
My teaching and research interests have led me to develop expertise in Complex Instruction (CI), a model for teaching developed by Elizabeth Cohen and Rachel Lotan at Stanford University. CI is a theoretical and practical framework for helping all students succeed in engaging rigorous mathematics. I work with preservice and in-service teachers to make sense of the theory and implement the tools of CI. If you want to know more, check out the book, Smarter Together! Collaboration and Equity in the Elementary Classroom.
I teach both graduate and undergraduate level courses at the university. I teach TTE 326, Teaching Mathematics in a Technologic Age. This course supports undergraduate preservice teachers in learning to teach mathematics. I also teach a variety of graduate-level courses including Groupwork for Diverse Learners, Discourse and Identity, and Current Issues in Mathematics Education.
Last, but not least, I am interested in raising educators’ awareness of the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students, families, and colleagues in K-12 settings.