Jennifer Braden Kirkpatrick

Jennifer Braden Kirkpatrick

Associate Professor of Practice
Associate Program Director EDS Tucson Campus
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Training Director University of Arizona Psychology Internship Consortium (UArizona PIC)

Jennifer Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, The University of Arizona

Dr. Kirkpatrick earned a B.S. in Psychology from the College of William and Mary in Virginia. She continued her education at Syracuse University, earning an M.S. in Special Education. In 2002, she earned her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona, Department of Educational Psychology, School Psychology Program. From 2001 to 2015 she worked as an Arizona Certified School Psychologist in a variety of settings including public schools, public charter schools, and Bureau of Indian Education schools.  She also served as a Part-time Assistant Clinical Professor for Northern Arizona University and is currently an Assistant Professor of Practice in the School Psychology Program at the University of Arizona and the Ed.S. Program Director, Tucson campus.

Prior to becoming a school psychologist, Dr. Kirkpatrick worked as a special education teacher for students with moderate to severe Autism. While a school psychologist, she also served as a Response to Intervention (RTI) specialist, an Arizona Department of Education RTI coach and trainer, and a Reading First Assessment Coordinator and a DIBELS trainer.  From 2004 to 2008 and from 2015 to 2017 she served as the Southern Arizona Regional Director of the Arizona Association of School Psychologists (AASP). Dr. Kirkpatrick is currently the president of AASP. Other areas of recent service include participating as a member of the Arizona Department of Education Rules Committee - SLD subcommittee. Dr. Kirkpatrick is active in the Southern Arizona Psychological Association (SAPA) through participation in the School Psychologists Committee. Her research interests include efficacy and outcomes of Response to Intervention processes, clinical decision making for special education eligibility, eligibility and intervention with students labeled as having a Specific Learning Disability, and school-wide data-based decision making. Dr. Kirkpatrick is also an Arizona Licensed Psychologist.