The College of Education Business Office is the administrative support unit for financial and personnel matters for all College of Education departments. In this role, the office staff review, secures college-level approval for all transactions in a timely manner, and ensure documents concur with established university policies and procedures. The staff provides assistance and advice to the College of Education staff and faculty as well as written reports on account status.
This section of the College of Education Web site directs staff and faculty to relevant university policies and procedures for financial and personnel matters. It provides assistance for common transactions and dilemmas. All relevant UA policy and procedural manuals are available online and should be consulted for the most current policies.
The online Business Office Guide is divided into three main sections:
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Contracts and Grants
Business Office Procedures
All financial (travel documents, Disbursement Vouchers, Interdepartmental Billing backup, General Error Corrections (GECs), Cash Receipt forms, etc.) and personnel documents (Personnel Action Form (PAF), Designated Campus Colleagues (DCC), New Employee Information Forms etc.) are to be routed through the College of Education Business Office. Online requisitions are automatically routed electronically through the Business Office for college-level approval.
Typical procedures for processing financial and personnel forms are as follows:
- Documents are prepared in the department or unit initiating the transaction.
- Original receipts are submitted to the UA Office of Financial Services with documents requesting reimbursement. The Business Office scans the form and all receipts, the home department may keep copies of all receipts submitted with the departmental copy of the transaction.
- After relevant departmental signatures are obtained, the document is submitted to the Business Office for review, approval, and forwarding to the appropriate campus destination for approval and action. Incomplete or incorrect documents submitted to the Business Office will be returned with an explanation of the needed corrections to the initiating department.
- The Business Office is available to provide assistance and advice; however, appointments are strongly encouraged to ensure that lead time is available to prepare a report or gather appropriate information and that adequate time is scheduled for the appointment.
- To request an account report, please submit an e-mail or memo to the business manager, senior, at least two days in advance to ensure a complete and accurate report.