Academic Affairs at the College of Education encompasses a wide range of crucial services and responsibilities. We are here to provide comprehensive advising services for our undergraduate students, guiding them on their academic journey and helping them make informed decisions about their education. We also play a vital role in managing graduate fellowships and both undergraduate and graduate scholarships, ensuring that our students have access to the financial support they need to excel in their studies. Additionally, we address matters related to academic integrity and grade appeals, upholding the highest standards of educational ethics. Our team is actively involved in curriculum and course development, constantly working to provide the best possible educational experience. We also oversee professional preparation programs that lead to State of Arizona certification, equipping our students with the credentials they need for successful careers. Lastly, we foster and maintain essential relationships between the College of Education and our partner schools and districts, facilitating collaboration and enriching the educational landscape for all involved.
The Office of Student Services is available to advise current and interested students on the requirements of each of the college’s undergraduate programs:
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- Deaf Studies
- Mild to Moderate Disabilities
- Leadership and Learning Innovation
- Rehabilitation Studies & Services
And the seven minors:
- Adolescents, Community and Education
- American Sign Language
- Educational Psychology
- Global Education
- Leadership Studies and Practice
- Recreation and Sport in Communities, Parks and Schools
- Special Education & Rehabilitation
Student Services staff members also assist with recruiting, serve as liaisons to other campus units such as CATS Academics, and sponsor the College of Education Ambassadors and the Future Teachers Clubs. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Scholarship Coordinator work with the Departments to award more than 1.4 million dollars in Graduate College Responsibility Tuition Waivers, Graduate Fellowships, and Graduate and Undergraduate Scholarships.
When issues arise with students’ academic integrity or when students would like to appeal a grade, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will assist both students and faculty concerning procedures and processes. Working with the College of Education Academic Programs Committee (APC) and the College of Education Departments, Academic Affairs personnel provide requisite forms for developing or modifying new courses or programs. Working with the State of Arizona Department of Education, Academic Affairs provides updates on rules and procedures and, wherever possible, develops campus-wide approaches to program review and documents for placing students in field assignments and Student Due Process procedures.
Academic Affairs also works with programs on special projects such as the Arizona Teaching Fellows and the Arizona Teachers Academy.
These documents are relevant to the standards we expect our students to meet. There are documents for identifying students in professional preparation programs who are outstanding and the process for alerting program coordinators to their exemplary performance. There are also documents relevant to identifying students in professional preparation programs who are not performing at an acceptable level. There are forms that provide a process for alerting program coordinators to a students' difficulties and that establish a plan for assisting the student with improving performance.
UA TPP Professional Standards & Contract
InTASC Standards
ISTE Standards for Educators
AZ State Board of Ed Professional Practices for Certificate Holders
Professional Expectations for UA Teacher Candidates
Flow Chart: UA TPP Performance Concern Process
Performance Concern Form
Response to Concern Form
Professional Growth Plan
UA Teacher Candidate Midterm-Final Evaluation
UA Teacher Candidate Midterm-Final Evaluation Rubric
Title II 2022-2023 Traditional
Title II 2022-2023 Alternative
Title II 2021-2022 Traditional
Title II 2021-2022 Alternative
Title II 2020-2021 Traditional
Title II 2020-2021 Alternative
Title II 2019 – 2020 Traditional
Title II 2019 – 2020 Alternative
Title II 2018 – 2019 Traditional
Title II 2017 - 2018 Traditional
Title II 2017 - 2018 Alternative
Title II 2016 - 2017 Traditional
Title II 2016 - 2017 Alternative
Title II 2015 - 2016 Traditional
Title II 2015 - 2016 Alternative
Title II 2014 - 2015 Traditional
Title II 2014 - 2015 Alternative
Title II 2013 - 2014 Traditional
Title II 2013 - 2014 Alternative
Title II 2012 - 2013 Traditional
Title II 2012 - 2013 Alternative
Title II 2011 - 2012
Title II 2010 - 2011
Title II 2009 - 2010 Traditional
Title II 2009 - 2010 Alternative
Title II 2008 - 2009