Special Education, Ph.D.

Special Education
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Quick Facts


Main Campus (Tucson)

Program Format

In Person

Priority Application Deadline

January 15

The Special Education Ph.D. program is designed to develop the expertise needed to develop, examine, and disseminate sustainable practices that result in high achievement and successful independent living for children and adolescents with special needs.

Students in the program will develop knowledge and skills in four major areas:

Foundations of evidence-based practice in special education. Students will recognize, evaluate, and sustain practices that are unique to different types of disability and those that are applicable to all types of exceptionality.
Research. Students will design and implement ecologically valid research, develop a research agenda, work with practitioners to introduce and sustain evidence-based practices in schools, and disseminate new research among scholars and practitioners.
Teacher preparation and personnel development in evidence-based practices. Students engage in effective teaching within teacher preparation and personnel development programs at institutions of higher education and in schools. They engage in teacher preparation that includes knowledge of national and state education standards evidence-based practices pertaining to basic academic and functional skills, assistive and adaptive technology, accommodations, learning strategies, positive behavioral support, and knowledge of how to teach in a variety of service delivery models.
Higher education. Students will have concrete and critical opportunities for research, teaching, and service during their program, allowing them to immediately translate knowledge into practice.

Graduates of the program are national leaders who conduct and design research in higher education and school settings. They also serve as directors of special education and administrators in public or private facilities.

Sample Courses

SERP 595D*: Recent Advances in Special Education
SERP 502: Behavioral Principals and Disabilities: Assessment and Intervention
SERP 504: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Exceptional Learners
SERP 529A: Advanced Positive Behavior Support

complete list of coursework


Admission Requirements

  • A graduate GPA of 3.5 or above.
  • GRE or MAT scores (TOEFL when appropriate) that are no longer than two years old. GRE must include Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytic sections.
  • Three letters of recommendation, including statements regarding ability to pursue advanced graduate study in student's preferred specialization area
  • Personal interview (in person or via phone)
  • Relevant experience (three years of experience preferred)
  • A master's degree in special education, rehabilitation, or a related discipline

Ready to learn more? 

We recommend reading the student handbook for details about our department and our program. For more information, contact Associate Professor Sunggye Hong.

Email Sunggye Hong

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