Sport and Recreation Leadership (SRL)

  • Explore undergraduate and graduate courses and degree options.
  • Prepare for careers in K-12 and youth sports, collegiate athletics, adaptive athletics, campus recreation, municipal parks and recreation agencies, or other community organizations.
  • Choose flexible and engaging online courses that fit any schedule.
  • Engage with faculty who have extensive practical experience in athletics, coaching, recreation, and physical education.

Undergraduate Degrees

Graduate Degrees

We believe high quality sport and recreation programs:

  • Improve the quality of life, health, and well-being of individuals and communities.

  • Facilitate social connection, learning and development, as well as self-actualization.

  • Should be accessible regardless of social class, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, nationality, religion, language, and other markers of diversity.

Faculty & Leadership

matt ostermeyer headshot, standing outside under a sunny sky, wearing a black polo, arms crossed

SRL Director & Associate Professor of Practice
Matt Ostermeyer, Ph.D.
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Dr. Matt Ostermeyer oversees both the undergraduate and graduate programs associated with SRL. He received his Ph.D. in Leisure Behavior from the Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies Department at Indiana University. Dr. Ostermeyer’s professional experience includes 15 years in the field of recreational sports. He has worked in municipal parks and recreation settings, as well as campus recreation. He has held various positions; from tennis instructor and volleyball official, to intramural supervisor, program coordinator and tournament director for national-level sporting events.

jesse stipek headshot, dark blonde hair, facial hair, wearing a brown button up shirt, standing outside with greenery in the background

SRL Director of Graduate Studies & Assistant Professor of Practice
Jesse Stipek, Ph.D.
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Dr. Jesse Stipek received his Ph.D. in Educational Policy Studies and Practice at the University of Arizona. His professional experiences include competing at Olympic Trials and as a D1 student-athlete at the University of Wisconsin Madison, plus as a swim coach at the University of Arizona. In the classroom, Dr. Stipek focuses on the critical theories centered around topics on equity and justice in athletics.

xingxing wu headshot, standing outside under a sunny sky, curly black hair, wearing a striped shirt

SRL Internship Supervisor & Assistant Professor of Practice
Xingxing Wu, Ph.D.
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Dr. Xingxing Wu’s Ph.D. is in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism from the University of Illinois. He has experience working in the administrative side of intercollegiate athletics at the University of Notre Dame. His main research interests are centered around the connections between leisure behavior and well-being among underrepresented populations (i.e., older adults, Southeast Asians, LGBTQ+ community). Xingxing helps coordinate and supervise relevant and enriching internship experiences for our students. And if you are looking to learn pickleball, he’s your go-to guy!

mark jenks headshot, wearing a dark blue UA polo, standing outside with greenery in the background

SRL Professor of Practice
Mark Jenks
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Mark Jenks spent more than 25 years of his career in an Adapted Physical Education position at the Arizona Schools for the Deaf & Blind before joining the University of Arizona. He worked with sensory impaired, multi-disabled children in a variety of physical education settings at ASDB and developed the ASDB Adapted Sports program for students with disabilities which is still a part of the programming there today.

lydia crain headshot, short dark brown hair, wearing a purple blouse, standing outside with greenery in the background

SRL Lecturer
Lydia Crain
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Lydia Crain has worked in K-8 public education in Arizona as an elementary and middle school physical education teacher and as a K-8 school principal. She has also worked with local, regional, and national physical education associations to design, implement, and promote developmentally appropriate and effective physical education instruction. She was recognized as a Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year in 2010 for Arizona and the Southwest District of SHAPE America.SRL Lecturer: Lydia Crain has worked in K-8 public education in Arizona as an elementary and middle school physical education teacher and as a K-8 school principal. She has also worked with local, regional, and national physical education associations to design, implement, and promote developmentally appropriate and effective physical education instruction. She was recognized as a Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year in 2010 for Arizona and the Southwest District of SHAPE America.

SRL List of Courses

  • SRL 150B: Sport, Leisure and Consumer Culture
  • SRL 201: Using Physical Activity to Explore the Human Body
  • SRL 351: Educating Elementary Children to be Physically Active, Healthy & Well 
  • SRL 352: Exercise, Games & Sports: Building Character and Community
  • SRL 353: Recreation and Leisure in Contemporary Society
  • SRL 354: Administration & Leadership in Community Recreation & Park Organizations
  • SRL 355: Planning Community Events and Recreation Programs
  • SRL 356: Sport, Adolescents & School
  • SRL 358: Theory and Practice of Coaching
  • SRL 359: The Power of Parks
  • SRL 373: Inclusive Physical Activity Programming for Diverse and Special Populations
  • SRL 393/493: Internship
  • SRL 430/530: Educational Psychology in Sports and Recreation
  • SRL 501: Modern Perspectives on Recreation and Sport
  • SRL 502: Organizational Leadership in Sport and Recreation
  • SRL 503: Equity and Justice in Recreation and Sport
  • SRL 504: Inclusive Coaching and Adapted Physical Activity Programming
  • SRL 505: Measuring Policy Impacts in Sport and Recreation Settings
  • SRL 506: Finance and Promotion in Sport and Recreation Organizations