American Sign Language
Quick Facts
Main Campus (Tucson)
Program Format
In Person
The American Sign Language (ASL) minor is designed to introduce students to ASL and teach them about Deaf culture. Students will learn ASL through the core coursework of the program and will gain a deeper understanding of Deaf studies through elective courses.
Gain intermediate ASL conversational skills.
Study the importance of whole-body communication when conveying information through ASL.
Gain experience using and practicing American Sign Language.
This minor can help prepare you for further studies and careers in:
- Nonprofits
- Counseling
- Public-facing roles in medicine and business
Sample Courses
- SERP 431A: American Sign Language III (4 units)
- SERP 431B: American Sign Language IV (4 units)
- SERP 444A: ASL Discourse Processes: Intensive ASL (6 units)
- SERP 433B: Languages and Cultures of Deaf Communities (3 units) - can be completed through Deaf Studies in Italy Study Abroad.
Double Use of Minor Course Work
ASL minor coursework may double dip with the Deaf Studies BSE if the ASL minor is on a second degree.
How to Declare an American Sign Language Minor
Please complete the Information Session, then contact the ASL minor advisor to declare this minor.