Children's literature, reader response, literature and literacy instruction, inquiry-based curriculum, and teacher research.
The following syllabi will download as a PDF file:
- TLS 385 Learning about Adolescence through YA Literature
- TLS 386 Global Citizenship Syllabus
- TLS 480 Children's Literature in the Classroom
- TLS 480 Goals and key experiences
- TLS 482 Bilingual Children's Literature Syllabus
- TLS 482 Goals and key experiences, Bilingual Children's Literature
- TLS 576 Teacher Research
- TLS 579 Literature and Literacy for Young Children
- TLS 582 The Art of the Picturebook
- TLS 585 Literature for Adolescents
- TLS 586 Reading the World through Children’s and Adolescent Literature
- TLS 680 Reader Response Theories
- TSL 681 Critical Content Analysis of Text and Image
- TLS 696a Writing for Academic Publication
- TLS 795d Influential Readings in Language, Reading, and Culture
- Research proposal
- Research Report Format
Books can be purchased by clicking on the title
- Johnson, H., Mathis, J., & Short, K. (2019). Critical Content Analysis of Visual Images in Books for Young People. New York: Routledge
- Johnson, H., Mathis, J., & Short, K. (2016). Critical Content Analysis of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. New York: Routledge
- Short, K., Day, D., & Schroeder, J. (2016). Teaching Globally: Reading the World through Literature. Portsmouth, ME: Stenhouse
- Short, K., Lynch-Brown, C. & Tomlinson, C. (2018). Essentials of Children’s Literature, 9th Ed., New York: Pearson
- Short, K. & Fox, D. (2003). Story Matters: The Complexity of Cultural Authenticity in Children’s Literature. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Short, K. G. with Birchak, B., Connor, C., Crawford, K., Kahn, L., Kaser, S. Turner, S. (1998). Teacher Study Groups: Building Community through Dialogue and Reflection. Urbana, IL: NCTE.
- Short, K. G. (1997). Literature As a Way of Knowing. York, ME: Stenhouse.
- Short, K. G., Schroeder, J., Laird, J., Kauffman, G., Ferguson, M., & Crawford, K.M. (1996). Learning Together Through Inquiry. York, ME: Stenhouse.
- Short, K.G. & Harste, J., with Burke, C. (1996). Creating Classrooms for Authors and Inquirers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
- Short, K.G., Senior Author and Editor (1995). Research and Professional Resources in Children's Literature.International Reading Association.
- Short, K. G. (1993). Ed, Teachers as Researchers: A Yearbook of Reflection and Action. Newark: International Reading Association. Co-Editors: L. Patterson, C. Santa, K. Smith.
- Short, K. G. & Burke, C. (1991). Creating Curriculum: Teachers and Students Creating Communities of Learners. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
The following articles will download as either PDF or MSWord files:
Children's Literature and Responses
- What’s Trending in Children’s Literature and Why It Matters
- Building Teachers' Understandings of Art as Meaning-Making in Picture Books
- Critical Conversations about Identity
- Cultural Authenticity in Children's Literature
- Examining our Beliefs and Practices Through Inquiry
- Examining Prejudice through Children's Responses to Literature and the Arts
- Exploring Culture through Children's Connections
- Making Connections Across Literature and Life
- Responding to Literature Across Multiple Sign Systems
- "Teacher Watching": Examining Teacher Talk in Literature Circles
- Journeying through Life and Literature
Global Curriculum and Intercultural Understanding
- Children’s Agency for Taking Action
- Critically Reading the Word and the World
- The Dangers of Reading Globally
- Story as World Building
- Building Bridges of Understanding through International Literature
- Children Taking Action within Global Inquiries
- Critically Reading the Word and the World
- Developing Intercultural Understanding through Global Children's Literature
- Exploring a Curriculum that is International
- Story as World Making
- Children's Agency for Taking Action
Inquiry as Curriculum
- Children Taking Action within Global Inquiries
- Curriculum as Inquiry
- Inquiry as a Stance
- Integrating Literature into the Science Curriculum
- Inquiry, Curriculum, and Standards
- Sign Systems Within the Inquiry Cycle
- Globalizing the Common Core State Standards (online pub)
- Creating a Community of Learners
- Hearing Student Voices: The Role of Reflection in Learning
- The Search for "Balance" in a Literature-Rich Curriculum
- The Role of Story in a World of Tests and Standards
- Reading Literature in Elementary Classrooms
The following book lists will download as a PDF:
- Exploring Cultural Identity
- Forced Journey Web and Text Sets
- Kids Taking Action
- Paired Book Examples
- Paired Books—Global
- Refugee Children’s and YA Literature
- War and Peace Text Sets
- K-12 Global Reading Lists
- Language and Culture and Global Story Box Book Lists
- Family Story Backpack Book Lists
Illustrations and Art Text Sets
- Books about Bookmaking
- Children’s Books about Art Museums
- Styles of Illustration Text Sets
- Children’s Fiction about Art
- Elements of Art Text Sets
- Elements of Art – Concept Books
- Media of Illustration Text Sets
- Postmodern Picturebooks
- Visual Journals & Sketch Journals
- Fear & Scary Text Sets
- Book Design Text Sets – Exterior
- Book Design Text Sets - Interior
The following articles will download as PDF files:
- Strategies to Encourage Dialogue
- Anomalies
- Book Pass
- Compass Points
- Connect-Extend-Challenge
- Consensus Board
- Cultural X-Rays
- Diamond Ranking
- Generative Theme Connections
- Global Thinking
- Graffiti Board
- Neighborhood Memory Maps
- Save the Last Word for Me
- Sketch to Stretch
- Story Ray
- Say Something
- Text Rendering Protocol